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China’s Visa Waiver Program to Include Australia

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News Update: MW Tours Celebrates China’s Expanded Visa Waiver Program to Include Australia

MW Tours is thrilled to share the news that China will include Australia in their Visa Waiver Program, marking a significant milestone in bilateral relations between the two nations.  

This momentous decision, unveiled during Chinese Premier Li Qiang’s current visit to Australia, comes on the heels of China’s recent announcement to extend its 15-day visa-free entry policy to six additional European countries: Switzerland, Ireland, Hungary, Austria, Belgium, and Luxembourg,  

Facilitating Seamless Travel 

The inclusion of Australia in China’s Visa Waiver Program streamlines the travel process for Australian citizens, eliminating the need for visa applications and fostering greater ease and flexibility in travel plans. MW Tours anticipates that this development will lead to a resurgence in Australian tourism to China, driven by the allure of China’s cultural heritage, picturesque landscapes, and bustling urban centers. 

Benefits for Australian Travelers 

  • Simplified Entry: Australian travelers can now enter China without the hassle of obtaining a visa, enhancing convenience and accessibility. 
  • Financial Savings: By removing visa fees, the program reduces travel costs, enabling more Australians to explore China’s diverse attractions. 
  • Expanded Travel Options: MW Tours will expand its range of tailored tour packages, offering diverse itineraries to cater to varying interests and preferences. 

MW Tours’ Commitment to Exceptional Travel Experiences 

As a leading tour operator specialising in Asia, MW Tours is dedicated to delivering exceptional travel experiences. Our meticulously crafted tours to China showcase the country’s cultural treasures, natural wonders, and dynamic cities such as Shanghai and Beijing. Whether exploring the Great Wall, cruising the Yangtze River, or immersing oneself in China’s vibrant culture, our packages are designed to ensure unforgettable journeys. 

MW Tours looks forward to welcoming an influx of Australian travellers to China, fostering deeper cultural exchanges and strengthening ties between our two nations.  

We are committed to providing outstanding service and creating memorable travel experiences that showcase the best of China. 

For more information about our tours and special offers, please visit our website or contact our customer service team.

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