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Let’s Explore… Oita!

Kyushu is Japan’s third largest island; it has seven distinct prefectures – Oita being one of them. Surrounded by the mountains and the sea, nature-rich Oita Prefecture is best known for hot springs. It ranks the highest in Japan for both the existing number of hot springs and the annual amount of spring water output. Among these hot springs are some of the country’s most famous onsen areas, such as Beppu facing the Beppu Bay, and Yufuin. Our tours to Kyushu Island take you to both of these incredible places!

It is said that a trip to the Onsen Prefecture, Oita is sure to rejuvenate your body, soul, and mind as it leaves an ever-lasting impression on your heart.

Let’s delve deeper into two of Oita’s most famed locations.



Yufuin is a highly acclaimed hot spring resort town, well known for its natural beauty and surrounded by towering mountains.

The town boast a wealth of cafes, restaurants, shops selling high-quality locally-made handicrafts, boutiques, art galleries and small museums. A compact town it is ideal to stroll around. The main street throngs with visitors browsing, shopping and just generally enjoying the atmosphere. The back streets, however, are much lesser visited and time taken to explore out as far as the surrounding paddy fields is well-worth the effort for the bucolic views.

Must-sees include Lake Kinrinko, a small lake that is fed by onsen waters. Early morning on a cooler day water vapour rising from the pond’s surface creates an ethereal scene.



With more onsen hot springs than anywhere else in Japan, Beppu takes the crown as the nation’s top onsen hot spring destination. So much hot water wells up from beneath the ground here that plumes of water vapour venting into the skies across the city make it look like an industrial complex. The reality, however, is pleasantly very different as Beppu has been a seaside resort destination for centuries. In the city centre, the narrow streets, market stalls under the railway tracks, and shopping arcades make for a pleasant, strolling exploration.

Beppu has two types of hot spring; onsen for bathing in and Jigoku Hell Onsen. Jigoku Onsen, or Hells, are scaldingly hot and most definitely not for bathing in. There are seven Hells each with their own natural qualities including blood red waters, cobalt blue waters, geysers, and belching mud-pools.




If you would like to visit beautiful Oita in Kyushu (or anywhere in Japan!) have a look at our tours to Japan, or contact our friendly team via email, or call 1300 842 688 (AU) | 0800 842 688 (NZ).

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Travel Journal

Let’s Explore… Oita!

Kyushu is Japan's third largest island; it has seven distinct prefectures – Oita being one of them. Surrounded by the mountains and the sea, nature-rich Oita Prefecture is best known for hot springs. It ranks the highest in

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